Ensure Dakota's Emails Make It To Your Inbox

  1. If you have not received an email from Dakota, please check your Spam folder. If Dakota’s email is inside, open it and mark it as “NOT SPAM.”
  2. Every provider’s a little bit different. So find your provider below in the dropdown menu and click on it. It will take you to instructions relevant to you.

Don't see your provider in the above dropdown menu?

Then try this:

  1. Open Dakota’s email.
  2. Right click on the “from” address and “copy”
  3. Paste Dakota’s copied email address into your Address Book or Contact List.

OR …

  1. Send Dakota an email with WHITELIST in the Subject heading. Sometimes that is enough to call off the newsletter robots.

Thank you for doing all this. I know it’s a pain, but now we’ll for sure be able to stay connected.


Dakota Lacoy is in no way associated with any of the brands, websites or applications quoted here. All Trademarks ® are the property of their respective owners.
Created with assistance from Email Whitelist Generator v5.0